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LegitScript will be at TRANSACT Powered by ETA.

LegitScript approaches merchant monitoring in a totally different way. We combine big data, technology, and skilled human analysts to deliver the most accurate and highest quality merchant intelligence on the market — all in real time. It’s a difference you need to see to understand.

Just schedule and complete a short meeting with us at the conference and we’ll send you this exclusive “Read & Refresh” bundle afterward, which includes our new Online Risk Management Handbook.

Read & Refresh Bundle

Alongside Infinicept and AGG, we are hosting a happy hour Tuesday, April 25!


Where: STATS Brewpub
Time:  5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Address: 300 Marietta St NW Suite 101, Atlanta, GA 30313
Directions from the  Georgia World Convention Center: 

  1. Head east on Andrew Young International Blvd NW -0.2 mi
  2. Turn left onto Marietta St NW -0.2 mi
  3. STATS Brewpub will be on your left.
Meet the Team
Scott Roth, CEO of LegitScript
Scott Roth
CEO of LegitScript
<b>Matt Friedman</b><br>Chief Revenue Officer
Matt Friedman
Chief Revenue Officer
<b>Brady Jacobsen</b><br>Senior Director of Sales
Brady Jacobsen
Senior Director of Sales
Kim Kristoff, Senior Director of Account Management
Kim Kristoff
VP, Global Sales for Fluxguard
<b>Nick Stephenson</b><br>Enterprise Account Executive
Nick Stephenson
Enterprise Account Executive
<b>Tara Venenga</b><br>Sr. Account Manager
Tara Venenga
Sr. Account Manager
Graphic of two black circles.

Why Our Approach Helps You Keep Risk Under Control

If you are unfamiliar with LegitScript, we invite you to watch the video below to learn about what we do and how we can help you grow through compliance.

LegitScript reversed logo.

© 2023 LegitScript LLC.
All rights reserved.